Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The way in which Shakespeare dramatizes the prejudices of his own society in the court scene of The Merchant of Venice Essay Example For Students

The way in which Shakespeare dramatizes the prejudices of his own society in the court scene of The Merchant of Venice Essay In this essay the theme of prejudice will be carefully analysed, by focusing on Act 4 scene 1 of The Merchant of Venice, or as it is also known as the court scene. Though this play is a Romantic Comedy it also highlights the darker sides of human nature: greed, prejudice, hatred and deception. Prejudice was typical of Elizabethan culture, especially anti-Semitism, the hatred of Jews. This is well shown in the play as the stereotypical twisted and evil bad guy is in fact a Jew himself! In the court the judge, the god like figure is the Duke of Venice. Though he has a lot of power and respect he is as biased as anyone else towards Antonio, the accused in this case: I am sorry for thee: thou art come to answer A stony adversary, Not only is he biased towards Antonio as he sees Shylock as stony and cold like a rock, or perhaps he sees his heart as stony, unable of feel pity or remorse. Furthermore he feels pity for Antonio and that pity would definitely lean the case in favour of Antonio in the Dukes point of view. Shylock chooses to take Antonios life rather than have three thousand ducats, which would not only make him a merciless wretch but also put him against the stereotypical Jewish money loving man. Shakespeares design of this character shows the prejudices of Elizabethan society: Carrion-flesh than receive Three thousand Ducats: Ill not answer that: But say, it is my humour This says not only that she would rather take the carrion or useless flesh than the money but also that this dire order is his humour! In other words, Shakespeare is saying that Shylock would find Antonios pain and suffering amusing or even funny! It is also ambiguous as your humour is just part of your personality and cannot be changed, just like Shylocks decision to take the flesh instead of the money. Furthermore, Shylock is fully aware of the prejudices of Venetian society as he highlights these in his What judgement shall I dread? speech: Let them be free, marry them to your heirs? In this speech he talks about the slaves. Slaves and servants were the lowest, poorest class you could be. The people from higher classes in society did not mix and definitely did not marry people lower than them no matter what kind of a person they were, but the bigger picture is that the whole idea of class, and rich and poor people is one of the worst prejudices in the societies of the world. Also this may be ambiguous, as Shylock could be suggesting that they bought the slaves the same as he bought Antonios flesh and they would not give up their slaves, so why should Shylock give up his flesh? At another moment in the play Antonios speeches show bravery but also prejudice when he cannot see any goodness in Shylocks blackened heart and has given up all hope for his life: You may as well go stand upon the beach, And bid the main flood bate his usual height; This is comparing Shylock to the tides of the sea, and that telling Shylock to be merciful or not to take the flesh is as pointless as telling the tides not to ebb and flow. This is prejudice, as he is assuming that Shylock has no pity or remorse left in his heart and no matter what they say, no matter how much they cry their hearts out he will never change. They could never stop his spiteful resolution. Also Antonio emits a line that reflects the previous point as well as highlighting his heroism and his friendship with Bassanio: Absolon in Chaucer's The Miller's tale EssayBut life itself, my wife, and all the world Are not with me esteemd above thy life: Here Bassanio says that anything and everything is below Antonios life and that he would give his wife, who ironically got them into this situation in the first place, then have Shylock take his bond and Antonio to die. This emphasizes the position of women in Elizabethan society, as Bassanio says that his wifes life is below the one of his friend. Though prejudice is being slung at Shylock from all directions he still manages to highlight his own views of Christians: I have a daughter; Would any of the stock of Barrabas Had been her husband rather than a Christian! Earlier in the play Shylocks daughter ran off to marry one of Antonios Christian friends, Lorenzo. Shylock is mad about this as he says in this comment. He would rather she marry someone like Barrabas, (an evil, murdering thief from the New Testament, who was chosen by the people of Jerusalem to be freed instead of Jesus at the Passover Festival), instead of Lorenzo purely because he is a Christian. Though this would shock the audience, was it not the other Christians in the court who were doing the same to Shylock? Therefore Shakespeare is saying that the Jews dont change, they would still choose a person like Barrabas, regardless of what they are like, than a Christian like Jesus. Ambiguously the mention of Barrabas, a Jew himself, highlights the fact that they think that all Jew are spiteful and horrible. Portia turns the tables on Shylocks, what seem to be unbreakable plan, by saying that he can only have flesh not blood: But in cutting it, if thou dost shed One drop of Christian blood, thy land and goods Are, by the laws of Venice, Confiscate If Shylock spills a single drop of Antonios blood he will therefore be breaking the law and will receive the punishment for this crime. Portias line: One drop of Christian blood is prejudiced against Shylock as she suggests that if he was to cut a Jewish person in the same way, Shylock would spill only Jewish blood and that would not be as bad as to spill a drop of Christian blood. Therefore this suggests that a Jews life is worthless compared to a Christian life. Consequently Shylock cannot kill Antonio and has been beaten. Although Shylock does not go home empty handed, his life is then put in the mercy of Antonio for intending to take a life, but the Duke and Antonio are both lenient towards Shylock as Antonio says: , That for this favour, He presently becomes a Christian; The fact that the Christians are put across as much more forgiving and merciful than Shylock, emphases the stereotypical views of Christians and Jews which is prejudicial in itself. Also that they are giving Shylock mercy when he could not give it to them, lowers Shylocks character even more. Most of all the fact that he is made to relinquish his religious beliefs, probably the most important aspect of his life, highlights that he loves life more than his god. Also for him to then convert to Christianity, gives the suggestion that he is being reformed and that changing his religion will change his horrible characteristics. Overall I believe Shakespeare dramatises the prejudices in the play well. He makes this obvious enough to be spotted and perhaps enabling him to portray his views to the ignorant spectators. However he does this in such a way as not to make his comments too overt as to offend and insult his extremely prejudicial 17th Century audience.

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